更新しました【日刊 アジアのエネルギー最前線】高浜4号機の連続トラブルは困る
参考資料 (2016年3月1日11時39分)
◆160301 丸紅、エジプトに石炭火力 事業費4000億円超
日本経済新聞-3 時間前 s.nikkei.com/24xQB3S
丸紅はエジプトで石炭火力発電所の建設事業に参画する。総事業費は4千億円超の見込みで、実現すれば同国の発電能力の約1割強に相当する大型プロジェクトとなる。安倍晋三首相は2月29日、首相官邸でエジプトのシシ大統領と会談し、日本企業による2 ...
◆160301 炭素繊維が原油安で大打撃を食らっている理由
ダイヤモンド・オンライン-5 時間前 bit.ly/1XWAb0t
軽くて強い「夢の素材」と呼ばれる炭素繊維が、原油安の打撃を食らっている。東レ、帝人、三菱レイヨンが圧倒的な供給力を誇る炭素繊維といえば、航空機や自動車への採用がよく知られるが、この二大用途に続く“期待の星”が輝きを奪われているのだ。 期待の ...
◆160301 環境省、一転「石炭火力容認」は経産省の筋書き通り? 温暖化ガス削減 ...
J-CASTニュース-16 時間前 bit.ly/1TNA4oR
地球温暖化の原因である二酸化炭素(CO2)など温室効果ガスの排出量が多い石炭火力発電所の新設について、これまで異議を連発していた環境省が2016年2月、容認に転じた。発電効率の悪い石炭火力の新設は認めない、電力業界全体が排出削減の ...
◆160301 進まぬ電源構成開示 電力自由化まであと1カ月
東京新聞-3 時間前 bit.ly/1UviXaK
4月の電力の小売り全面自由化が1カ月後に迫った。電力の小売り各社(新電力)は料金の安さや独自のサービスをPR。全国で23万件以上の家庭が契約先を大手電力から切り替えた。一方、どんな発電所から電気を仕入れているかを消費者に知らせる「電源 ...
◆160301 サウジは主要産油国と連携継続へ、原油相場の安定目指す
ロイター-12 時間前 bit.ly/21F32Zp
リヤド 29日 ロイター] - サウジアラビアは、原油相場のボラティリティーを抑制するため、主要産油国と引き続き協力して取り組んでいくとの見解を示した。また商業的観点を踏まえ、世界の原油需要の多くに対応できるよう注力していくとした。定例閣議後の内閣 ...
◆160301 中国、石炭・鉄鋼で180万人余剰見通し 企業に配置転換促す
日本経済新聞-12 時間前 s.nikkei.com/1TMIYSj
【北京=山田周平】中国政府は29日、過剰になっている石炭・鉄鋼産業の生産能力削減を進める過程で合計180万人の余剰人員が生まれるとの予測を明らかにした。企業に配置転換を促すなどし、失業増は抑える方針。構造改革に伴う雇用のミスマッチ解消は ..
◆160301 中国、石油がリスクオフムードを転換させる時が来た G20で中国危機 ...
JBpress-10 時間前 bit.ly/1ndXRjH
具体策に乏しいとの批判はあるが、それは違う。通貨の安定とともに資本移動の監視・規制強化を容認する姿勢を鮮明にしたことにより、焦点の中国の政策自由度は大きく高まる。「過度の変動や無秩序な動きは経済及び金融の安定に対して悪影響を与えうる」と ...
◆160301 NYMEX・ICE石油市況=WTIが反発、中国の金融緩和や産油国の生産 ...
エネルギーニュース-3 時間前 bit.ly/216gy6f
NYMEX・ICE石油市況=WTIが反発、中国の金融緩和や産油国の生産凍結期待で 29日. 2016/03/01 07:41. 【概況】週明け2月29日のニューヨーク・…… マーケットニュースを購読していません。 続きを読むにはマーケットニュースのご購読が必要です。
◆160301 29日午後 原油はまちまち、中国経済の不透明感で
エネルギーニュース-17 時間前 bit.ly/1oKHJXX
17時15分現在、ニューヨーク・マーカンタイル取引所(NYMEX)のWTI原油相場(4月限)は先週末比8セント安の32.70ドル/バレル、インターコンチネンタル取引所(ICE)の北海ブレント原油相場(4月限)は同19セント高の35.29ドル/バレルで推移している。 中国の ...
◆160301 Oil rise 3 percent as China moves to boost economy, crude output ...
Reuters-5 時間前 reut.rs/1QFUYzH
U.S. government data showed U.S. crude oil output in December fell for a third straight month to the lowest since ... have to accept the fact that crude (price) is going to work its way higher from here," said Jeffrey Grossman, energy dealer at ..
◆160301 China set to lay off millions of workers in coal and steel industry
CBC.ca-12 時間前 bit.ly/1VNLzu8
China's premier told visiting U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew on Monday his government is pressing ahead with painful reforms to shrink bloated coal and steel industries that are a drag on its slowing economy and ruled out devaluing its ...
◆160301 Budget 2016: Coal cess in line with India's climate commitments
Economic Times-3 時間前 bit.ly/1QoxTSW
"Of the 3000 MW or so of wind energy added last year, only 500-600 MW have taken advantage of AD benefit," said Hero Future Energies CEO Sunil Jain who is also president of Wind Independent PowerProducers Association in India.
◆160301 India's plans to boost investment in gas blocks seen falling short
Reuters-11 時間前 reut.rs/1VNM0Vf
India, which imports about 45 percent of the gas it consumes, wants to ramp up its output and boost demand for ... However, analysts said the only alternative fuel India imports is liquefied natural gas(LNG), which is linked to crude oil, prices of ...
◆160301 India proposes tax relief to foreign companies for local oil sales
Reuters-10 時間前 reut.rs/1TiZ2Nd
India, the world's third-biggest oil importer and one of the few major economies still seeing strong demand growth, is building ... to bring local sales on a par with transactions taking place outside India, where the seller has no Indian tax liability.
◆160301 India Doubles Clean-Energy Tax on Coal, Risking Debt Revamp
Bloomberg-17 時間前 bloom.bg/1Lqx13a
India doubled the clean-energy tax on coal to fight environmental pollution, risking higher electricity-generation costs at a ... Taxingcoal and promoting nuclear energy shows the government's commitment to the environment, said Debasish ... Still, the tax increase could have waited, especially since the government is working with the states to reduce the debt burden on state-owned power distributors.
◆160301 India presses for undersea Iran gas plan
Press TV-18 時間前 bit.ly/1naPCVs
This map shows the hypothetical route of a pipeline transferring Iranian gas to India and Oman. Three major Indian gas buyers will be visiting Iran early next month to discuss a long-proposed undersea pipeline which New ... Executives of Gail and Indian Oil Ltd (IOL) will meet Iranian officials to discuss the price of gas to be used in the pipeline which has ...Energy-hungry India is already committed to the TAPI pipeline -- a project worth $10 billion which is expected to be completed by ...
◆160301 India to Allocate $440Mln Annually for Nuclear Power Investments
Sputnik International-14 時間前 bit.ly/1T55oz9
India will increase its investment in nuclear power to up to 30 billion rupees (almost $440 million) per year, the country's finance ... NEW DELHI (Sputnik) ? The government is drafting a comprehensive plan for nuclear energy, which will be ...
◆160301 KNU Responds to Backlash on Hydropower Project
The Irrawaddy News Magazine-19 時間前 bit.ly/1UvlktY
After receiving criticism for signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on a hydropower dam project, the Karen National Union (KNU) released a statement saying that it will ensure local communities are involved in decision-making and ...
◆160301 Private dam builders back out of Brahmaputra dams
eco-business.com-18 時間前 bit.ly/1OK99Cu
Residents of northeast India's Arunachal Pradesh had long been concerned over the scores of hydropower projects ... Six dams, for instance, were proposed on the Lohit river ? a tributary of theBrahmaputra which rises in eastern Tibet.
参考資料 (2016年2月29日15時23分)
◆160229 原油価格低迷の裏にもう1つの犯人
日経ビジネスオンライン-14 時間前 nkbp.jp/1TgVefi
◆160229 中南米産油国、原油価格押し上げについて協議=エクアドル大統領
ロイター-7 分前 bit.ly/1QmxFyU
キト 28日 ロイター] - エクアドルのコレア大統領は28日、ベネズエラ、コロンビア、エクアドル、メキシコなどの中南米産油諸国が、3月の石油輸出国機構(OPEC)加盟国と非加盟国の会合を前に、原油価格押し上げの可能性を協議している、と明らかにした。
◆160229 中国、石炭・鉄鋼部門で180万人レイオフへ 生産能力削減に伴い
ロイター-2 時間前 bit.ly/1XUhRVE
北京 29日 ロイター] - 中国の尹蔚民・人事社会保障相は29日、過剰生産能力の削減の一環として、石炭・鉄鋼セクターで180万人をレイオフすると表明した。 同相は、生産能力削減に伴って一定のレイオフが今年実施されるが、雇用の安定推移を確信している ...
◆160229 中国開発銀、ブラジル・ペトロブラスに100億ドル融資
ロイター-7 時間前 bit.ly/1SbqNpw
サンパウロ 26日 ロイター] - ブラジル国営石油会社ペトロブラス(PETR4.SA)は26日、中国国家開発銀行から100億 ... 09年には、中国開発銀から100億ドルの融資を受ける代わり、中国石油化工(シノペック)(0386.HK)(600028.SS)に対して10年間にわたり ...
◆160229 China expects to lay off 1.8 million workers in coal, steel sectors
CNBC-55 分前 cnb.cx/1UtnwlZ
A Chinese resident walks out of her house her house next to a coalfired power plant on November 26, 2015 in Shanxi, China. Chinaexpects to lay off 1.8 million workers in the coal and steel sectors as part of its efforts to reduce industrial ...
◆160229 China's Belt and Road Initiative and the Energy Charter Treaty
International Law Office (registration)-14 時間前 bit.ly/1pjIckm
In 2015 the hottest topic in China's energy sector was not the domestic energy market reform; rather, the international arena ... It is also proposed that China maximise the advantages afforded by the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, the ... In the first 11 months of 2015, Chinese enterprises made direct investments in 49 countries that border Belt and Road .... (8) China Power News Net, "China ushers in new opportunities through cooperating with Energy Charter and grasps ...
◆160229 Petrobras Signs China Loan Pact For $10 Billion
Headlines & Global News-12 時間前 bit.ly/1TJAqLX
China is making big steps into the crude oil business, as ChinaDevelopment Bank has agreed to loan oil-producer Petrobras $10 billion, according to Bloomberg. The money will help the company pay its way out of one of the worst years in ..
◆160229 Solutions to Pakistan's energy are not all favourable to GCC states
The National-18 時間前 bit.ly/1oHiwgT
Meanwhile, Islamabad's energy and economic ties to Iran and long-term ally China are strengthening. ... It means cheaper bills for motorists, truckers and oil-fired powerplants, still more than a third of the country's electricity. ... Meanwhile, the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (Tapi) pipeline, long championed by the US to forestall gas purchases ... is going towards energy, including $500 million forrenewable energy projects this year, money for coal-fired power stations and ...
◆160229 Coal demand remains to see slow growth during 2016-2020 period
China Economic Net-14 分前 bit.ly/1TJAJ9l
Jiang Zhimin, deputy chairman of China National Coal Association, said that China's coal demand could still see an ... Despite the decrease in coal supply, the growth rate of coal demand had been expected to go down 4 percent in 2015 under the influences of sluggish economy, economy and energy structure optimization and ecological environment restrictions. ... Although the oil industry production maintained the overall stability, the profits declined further and the difficulties of ...
◆160229 Sembcorp launches $4.23b power complex in India
Singapore Business Review-1 時間前 bit.ly/1SbrW0f
Sembcorp Industries has successfully cut the ribbon on its US$3b (roughly $4.23b), 2,640-megawatt power facility in India. ... PowerComplex is thus far the largest foreign direct investment-driven project on a single site in India's thermal energy sector. ... The Sembcorp Gayatri Power Complex is equipped with a covered conveyor system that it transports coal from the .... Bank loyalty programmes pile on pleasure and personalisation ・ Should DBS worry about its SGD22bn oil and gas ...
◆160229 Myanmar triples electricity supply expenditure
SME Times-51 分前 bit.ly/215nr7T
Myanmar has tripled its expenditure on electricity supply over the past five years, an official report said on Sunday. ... Myanmar, 66 percent of electricity comes from hydropower, 29 percent from gas-fired power and three percent from coal-fired ..
◆160229 Gail, IOL team to visit Iran in March for $4.5-million undersea gas ...
Economic Times-4 時間前 bit.ly/1VMnvb3
NEW DELHI: The long-proposed $4.5-million undersea gas pipeline between Iran andIndia is likely to get some momentum with a planned visit by key domestic gas buyers, including Gail and Indian Oil Ltd (IOL), ... Republic of Turkmenistan to India through this pipeline, said persons familiar with the Iranian energy sector and the pipeline. .... Nadu's debt-ridden power discom needs; Indian Army grapples with arms, gear shortage; Is aspirational India turning against Narendra Modi?
◆160229 Solar Philippines sees 500 MW in completed projects
BusinessWorld Online Edition-14 時間前 bit.ly/1oI6l3F
SOLAR PHILIPPINES Power Project Holdings, Inc. is aiming to complete renewable energy projects with a total capacity of up to 500 ... To date, the company said it had installed 80 MW, and “aims to make the Philippines a global leader in solar power.” ... “Costs continue to improve, and solar will soon become cheaper than coal. As the ... are paid a fixed rate for the electricity they deliver to the grid, the interconnected transmission assets that bring power for distribution to consumers.
◆160229 BD to invest $1.0b in Bhutan hydropower
Financial Express Bangladesh-11 時間前 bit.ly/1LOWaiT
Bangladesh is weighing a deal with Bhutan to invest around US$1.0 billion inhydropower in the landlocked country to re-import the electricity, officials said. It's part of a regional power trade. The International Finance Corporation (IFC), ...
◆160229 BRICS bank eyeing investments in hydropower, electricity: Russia
TODAYonline-6 時間前 bit.ly/1TJCtj2
SHANGHAI - The New Development Bank established by the BRICS emerging nations plans to invest in infrastructure projects in those countries and is considering hydropower and electricity investments, Russian Finance Minister Anton ...
◆160229 Financial closure of Super Dordi Hydro
Himalayan Times-3 時間前 bit.ly/1VMnXGf
The Facilities Agreement for financing the 49.60 MW Super Dordi Hydropower Project ? B was signed at a function on February 26, it said in a statement, on Sunday. The project is located at Phaleni and Dhodeni VDCs in Lamjung district and ...
◆160229 China's Myanmar Footprint
Wall Street Journal-31 分前 on.wsj.com/1oRTa0L
The site of the proposed Myitsone Dam in Kachin State, a massive China-backedhydropower project on the Irrawaddy River that would flood an area the size of Singapore. Myanmar's new government will have to rule on whether to resume ...
◆160229 China Moves to Revive Its Sway in Myanmar
Wall Street Journal-7 時間前 on.wsj.com/1QFpgm3
In 2011, environmental concerns led the government to abruptly halt Chinese plans for a massive hydropower project in Myitsone. The new government must rule on whether to resume the project. Demonstrations against the Chinese ..